WSJT DX Aggregator (V 2.15)
WSJT DX Aggregator is a program that allows the stations using the WSJT-X or JTDX or MSHV programs to automatically upload DX reports to DXMAPS so that they can be shown on the maps, listings, etc. Optionally it also allows to automatically upload in real time your QSO to the DXMAPS online log.
False Antivirus Warnings: The program incorporates an UDP server in order to exchange data with WSJT-X / JTDX. This could lead some Antivirus programs to raise false warnings of vulnerabilities in WSJT DX Aggregator code. You can be sure that the program has been checked with latest version of McAffee in order to guarantee that is is free of any virus, so you should trust it.
NOTICE also that WSJT DX Aggregator does not send DX-Spots to the DX-Cluster network, but only to DXMAPS.
The program takes the decode frames from the UDP stream of WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV, interpret and filter them, and upload the data to DXMAPS server.
Using WSJT DX Aggregator is extremely easy and if you already use WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV you can be uploading DX reports in minutes. Simply follow these steps:
1.- Download the program, unZIP it and place it in any folder of your computer you whish (for instance C:\radio\WsjtDXAggregator). The program does not require installation in most of the cases. Just place it in a folder and run it. If you get an error message indicating that some files are missing then download a full setup package , place it in an empty folder and run it from there (do not run it directly from internet)
2.- Enter your amateur radio callsign, your locator/grid square and the UDP port where WSJT-X / JTDX / MSHV is sharing the frames. Then press "Start monitoring".
If all is OK you will immediately see the frames received in the "Raw message received" box. Otherwise it means that the UDP port configured in WSJT DX Aggregator and in WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV don't match. Please notice that port 2237 used in this example can be any available UDP port in your system. Just make sure that it is the same that you have configured in WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV for sharing the data.
Leave the program running (you can minimize it if you want). As soon as it detects a CQ or QRZ message it will automatically spot it to DXMAPS.
Optionally you can also automatically upload in real time your QSO to the
DXMAPS online log selecting the "Upload QSO to
DXMAPS's online log" option.
WARNING: Do not use this option if you are already uploading them using
VQLog, because it would generate duplicate QSO in the
online log.
In WSJT-X go to "File - Settings - Reporting" to configure the UDP port, as show below.
In JTDX go to "File - Settings - Reporting" to configure the UDP port, as show below.
In MSHV go to "Options - Radio and Network configuration" to configure the UDP port, as show below.
If you are running WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV and WSJT DX aggregator on the same computer you must use the "localhost" IP address
If you are running WSJT DX Aggregator on a second computer you must configure the IP address of that computer. Just bear in mind that both computers must be in the same network.
VERY IMPORTANT: The frequency in which the stations will be reported is the frequency shown in WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV. Make sure that this frequency is the same that set in the rig before starting the WSJT DX Aggregator.
Multicast: In order to allow messages to be shared by several programs, WSJT-X allows to send them to a multicast group, instead of to a specific IP and Port. All programs that join that multicast group will get the messages. Read the following page for multicast configuration details.
JT-Alert users: When JT-Alert is started it blocks the use of the UDP port, so that no other applications like WSJT DX-Aggregator can use it concurrently. However version 2.12.4 of JT-Alert implements a port forwarding option that allows to use both programs at the same time. To do that you must configure JT-Alert to rebroadcast WSJT-X frames on a different UDP port and configure WSJT DX-Aggregator to listen on that port. In the below example it has been configured to rebroadcast on port 2334.
Multiple instances of WSJT DX-Aggregator: If you are running multiple instances of WSJT-X / JTDX in different bands you must also have multiple instances of WSJT-DX Aggregator. Each WSJT-X/JTDX/MSHV must be paired with an instance of the Aggregator using a common and unique UDP port. You can force each instance of the Aggregator to have a different configuration by starting it with a command line parameter, for instance run "WsjtDXAggregator.exe /C=ConfigFile1.ini" to use ConfigFile1.ini, etc.
WSJT DX Aggregator has been tested with the release versions 1.6 to 1.9.1 of WSJT-X. Also with JTDX 17.7 and MSHV 2.22 rc002, although it will eventually work with newer versions.
Windows regional settings: WSJT DX Aggregator requires that in Windows Regional Settings you have either the comma "," or the dot "." selected as thousands separator, otherwise it won't decode messages.
Program starts but I can't see the window: One possibility is that you have moved the Aggregator window outside the visible area of the desktop. In that case you will have to edit the .ini file in order to set the default window location to the default values.
You can edit the configuration file with Notepad or any text editor. It its an .ini file that you will find in the C:\users\YourUser\AppData\Roaming\WsjtDXAggregator folder
There you can change the top and left parameters to force it to load to a certain position on screen, as in the image below.
If you are having some trouble using WSJT DX Aggregator don't hesitate to E-Mail me
You could also be interested in the APRS DX Aggregator, in the AIS DX Aggregator and in the MAP65 DX Aggregator
Changes in version 2.15:
Changes in version 2.14:
Changes in version 2.13:
Changes in version 2.12:
Changes in version 2.11:
Changes in version 2.10:
Changes in version 2.9:
Changes in version 2.8:
Changes in version 2.7:
Changes in version 2.6:
Changes in version 2.5:
Changes in version 2.4:
Changes in version 2.3:
Changes in version 2.2:
Changes in version 2.1:
Changes in version 2.0:
Changes in version 1.9:
Changes in version 1.8:
Changes in version 1.7:
Changes in version 1.6:
Changes in version 1.5:
Changes in version 1.4:
Changes in version 1.3:
Changes in version 1.2: