V-UHF propagation opening
alerts by E-Mail
QSO database  Real time maps  Propagation alerts by E-Mail

Thanks to the data collected by DXMAPS in its VHF and UHF QSO database, now you can receive by E-Mail personalized alerts of the propagation openings on the bands you are interested in. Differently from other propagation alert systems DXMAPS will only send you alerts that are meaningful for you. For instance, if you whish, you won't receive sporadic-E or tropo alerts of openings that take place in another part of the continent. This is a global alert system, what means that it works either if you are in Europe, or in America, or anywhere else in the world.

As a demonstration you can see some examples of the E-Mails that DXMAPS would generate for a station located in JM19 square.

Enter your tu E-Mail below. A new password will be generated and it will sent to you in a mail.

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