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FAQ about Importation from other logbooks

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Important: Before attempting any importation you should make a backup copy so that if the importation doesn't work completely OK you could go back to the original situation by restoring the copy.

I like the program very much and I would like to use it from now on, but I already have thousands of QSO registered with another logbook program. Is there any way to copy automatically these contacts to VQLog?

VQLog has built-in functions for importing data automatically from most of the HF & VHF logbook/contesting programs. If your program is not amongst the supported you still can do it by other ways:

  1. Check if you program can generate ADIF (Amateur Data Interchange Format) or column-aligned ASCII files with your QSO. If so you can use VQLog's provided functions for importing these files.
  2. Otherwise contact the author of your program and request him support on how to export your QSO.
  3. Alternatively there are also some general conversion utilities available on Internet (LogConv, PROADIKON, etc) which might be could help you, but you you will have to check it on your own. A nice page containing lots of useful information about log conversion techniques is

How can I import my QSO from K1EA's CT?

The importation from CT is supported directly in VQLog's importation menu. However because of the frequent updates of that program and its proprietary format .BIN files it could happen that VQLog's importation doesn't work properly.  In that case you will have to make the importation in two steps, generating an intermediate ADIF file.

  1. Generate an ADIF file from the CT's .BIN file using the C2A utility program that you can find in your VQLog's folder.
  2. Import that ADIF file into VQLog using its ADIF importation option.

How can I import my QSO from Turbolog?

The importation of Turbolog must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate a column-aligned ascii report file with the QSO from Turbolog
  2. Import that ascii file using the provided function of VQLog

I can't help you very much regarding step 1 because I don't know about Turbolog, but some other users have made the importation this way so it should work OK

There is also the possibility (might be easier) to import from Turbolog using and intermediate ADIF file

  1. Generate an ADIF file with the QSO from Turbolog using the ADIF Exporter utility which can be downloaded at
  2. Import that ADIF file using the provided function of VQLog

How can I import my QSO from TRLog?

The importation of TRLog must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with the QSO from TRLog using the LogConv utility which can be downloaded from
  2. Import that ADIF file using the provided function of VQLog

How can I import my QSO from QW?

The importation of QW must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with the QSO from QW using the PROADIKON utility which can be downloaded at
  2. Import that ADIF file using the provided function of VQLog

How can I import my QSO from DXBase?

The importation of DXBase must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file from DXBase using the Tools menu and selecting Selection Wizard. In Output type select ADIF File.
  2. Import that ADIF file using the provided function of VQLog

How can I import my QSO from HAM-LOG (DG6LS/DH2SBH)?

I don't know of any way to automatically convert HAM-LOG files to VQLog, but you can possibly do it in two steps, using some utility that can generate ADIF files from the HAM-LOG files.

  1. Generate and ADIF file with your QSO
  2. Import that ADIF file into VQLog using the provided function

You can try the following alternatives in order to convert your HAM-LOG files to ADIF.

How can I import my QSO from SDI?

The importation of SDI must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with the QSO from SDI using the "sdicheck" utility program provided together with SDI.
  2. Import that ADIF file using the provided function of VQLog

How can I import my QSO from WJ2O's Master QSO Log?

The importation from this program must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with all your QSO using the function provided in WJ2O's program
  2. Import that ADIF file in VQLog using the ADIF importation function

How can I import my QSO from DX4WIN or Lux-Log?

The importation from these programs must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with all your QSO using the function provided in DX4WIN / Lux-Log programs
  2. Import that ADIF file in VQLog using the ADIF importation function

How can I import my QSO from Shacklog?

The importation from this program must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with all your QSO using Proadikon or BV7. For more information visit Shacklog's WEB site
  2. Import that ADIF file in VQLog using the ADIF importation function

How can I import my QSO from Catlog?

The importation from this program must be done in two steps:

  1. Generate an ADIF file with all your QSO using Proadikon  
  2. Import that ADIF file in VQLog using the ADIF importation function

Alternatively and because of the fact that Catlog uses dBase (.DBF) files in its MS-DOS version and MS-Access (.MDB) files in its Windows version you can also follow the procedures for converting dBase files and MS-Access files 

I keep my own database of QSO using MS-Access (.MDB files).  Can I import it to VQLog ?
My old logbook program use MS-Access files (.MDB).  Can I import them to VQLog ?

Yes, you can make the importation very easily in a two-step procedure:

  1. Generate a column-aligned ASCII file from the table containing the QSO. In MS-Access use the "File - Export" function, select "Text files (*.txt)" in the file-type and then choose "Fixed width / Colum aligned fields"
  2. Import that TXT file into VQLog using the "Import ASCII files" function

If you need to import some specific fields (Power, rig, etc.) not supported yet by VQLog's ASCII importation then you still have the option to do the importation in two steps

I keep my own database of QSO using dBase (.DBF files).  Can I import it to VQLog ?
My old logbook program use dBase files (.DBF).  Can I import them to VQLog ?

Yes, you can make the importation very easily in a two-step procedure:

  1. Open you DBF file into MS-Excel, remove the first row which contains the field names and save it as  a "Formatted text - delimited by spaces (*.PRN)" file type.
  2. Import that PRN file into VQLog using the "Import ASCII files" function

If you need to import some specific fields (Power, rig, etc.) not supported yet by VQLog's ASCII importation then you still have the option to do the importation in two steps

There is also a free program called DBFToADIF that converts some old DBF log files to ADIF. If this program is capable of generating an ADIF file from your log file then you could also import later that ADIF file into VQLog using the provided function.

I keep my own database of QSO using MS-Excel (.XLS files).  Can I import it to VQLog ?
I haven't found any way to directly import my old logbook files, however I have managed to open them using MS-Excel.  Can I import them to VQLog ?

Yes, you can make the importation very easily:

  1. Open you file into MS-Excel
  2. Remove any headers it could have. This is, make sure that the first row contains the first QSO
  3. Save it as  a "Formatted text - delimited by spaces (*.PRN)" file type.
  4. Import that PRN file into VQLog using the "Import ASCII files" function

If you need to import some specific fields (Power, rig, etc.) not supported yet by VQLog's ASCII importation then you still have the option to do the importation in two steps

I have my log in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.  Can I import it to VQLog ?

Yes, you can make the importation very easily:

  1. Open you CSV file into MS-Excel
  2. Remove any headers it could have. This is, make sure that the first row contains the first QSO
  3. Save it as  a "Formatted text - delimited by spaces (*.PRN)" file type.
  4. Import that PRN file into VQLog using the "Import ASCII files" function

If you need to import some specific fields (Power, rig, etc.) not supported yet by VQLog's ASCII importation then you still have the option to do the importation in two steps

I have tried importing my data using VQLog ASCII importation function, but some specific fields I require (Power, rig used, etc.) are not supported yet in this importation. Is there some way to import them?

If you need to import some specific fields (Power, rig, etc.) not supported yet by VQLog's ASCII importation function then you still have the option to do the importation in two steps:

  1. Use some conversion utility program that can generate an ADIF file from your dBASE, Access, Excel. CSV or ASCII files.
  2. Import the generated ADIF file into VQLog using the provided functions.

Some ADIF conversion programs you could check are:

- EA7GV's DBFtoADIF converter
- DBFtoADIF converter at

A nice page containing lots of useful information about log conversion techniques is

I have tried importing my data using VQLog ASCII importation function, but it doesn't import the value of kHz, only MHz. For instance, in the ASCII file there is "7,023" but "7,000" in VQLog. What's wrong ?

First of all you have to make sure that:

  1. The MHz and kHz in the ASCII file are separated by a dot (.) or a comma (,). Frequencies expressed only in kHz (like "7023") or using other decimal separators (like "7 023", "7-023"...) are not acceptable.
  2. You have chosen the right position and length of the Frequency field in the importation parameters. If the length is shorter then the rightmost digits won't be imported.

You might also want to check that you don't have strange characters configured as "Decimal symbol" and "Digit grouping symbol" in the configuration of Windows. Only the dot (.) and comma(,) are guaranteed to work!

To check your configuration go to the Control Panel of Windows, click on "Regional options" and then look in the "Numbers" folder (see following sample).

I have successfully imported several different files  but then I have noticed that the records were not sorted by date/time, but in the order I have made the importations. How can I have my records sorted by date / time?

The function "File - Recompute record numbers" sorts the records by date/time and assign them the corresponding QSO number.

When I want to import TACLOG files I get the message : "TAClog 1.94-1.99 files not found in the selected  folder". What's the problem?

Please make sure that you select the folder where you actually have the TACLOG program, and not one of the sub-folders where the data files are located

Apart from this you also have the option to make the importation using an intermediate ADIF file..I mean:

  1. Generate an ADIF file from TACLOG
  2. Import that ADIF file into VQLog using the provided function.

I am importing an ADIF file but the DOK reference is not imported. Why ?

To import the DOK from ADIF you have to follow these steps.

  1. Go to "Configuration - Awards" and add a new award with the short name = DOK
  2. Check that you have a new input box for DOK in the "awards" tab
  3. Run the importation of the ADIF file.

It's very important that the short name of award is exactly DOK.

(NOTICE: The same applies to the importation of any other award. The short name of the award configured in VQLog must exactly match the ADIF "tag" corresponding to that award)

Can I import the 10-10 numbers from my older logbook ?

Yes, but you have to export your logbook to ADIF format and then import that ADIF file it into VQLog. Also, and prior to running the importation you must have added a new award named exactly "TenTen" using the function "Configuration - Awards". 

Can I import the US counties for the USA-County award from my older logbook ?

Yes, but you have to export your logbook to ADIF format and then import that ADIF file it into VQLog. Also, and prior to running the importation you must have added a new award named exactly "USACA" using the function "Configuration - Awards". 

When importing an ADIF file with QSO made via satellite using JTDX / WSJT-X, how can I have the satellite name and uplink/downlink frequencies imported?

The normal versions of JTDX / WSJT-X are not intended for satellite users and don't write that information in their ADIF log files.

You should use a special version of WSJT-X called WSJT-X 2.7.1 Devel, that supports the logging of uplink/downlink frequencies and satellite name.

Can I import an .EDI file in REG1TEST format generated by my contest program ?

VQLog doesn't support that format of files.  You should contact the author of your contest program and ask him how to generate ADIF format files (Amateur Data Interchange Format) that is the standard format used for exchanging QSO data between amateur radio programs.

My current logbook (or logbook file format) is none of the mentioned above. Do I still have some chance to import my QSO data?

There are some things you could try.

A nice page containing lots of useful information about log conversion techniques is

If in spite of this, if you still don't manage or don't know how to import your data then you can contact VQLog's support and request a budget for the task of converting your log.

I want to use VQLog but I'm not skilled with computers and I don't manage to import my current logbook data into VQLog, using the above instructions. Can you do the conversion for me?

In general I am not interested to do personal file conversion tasks. They can be pretty complex sometimes and take a lot of time and effort. That's the reason why VQLog already have a wide range of importation facilities build in, so that users can do the importation themselves.

However, in some circumstances, I have accepted specific file conversion tasks for users who don't want to do it by themselves or that prefer to pay for the job being done.

If that is your case, you can contact VQLog's support and request a budget for your specific case (based on a standard price of 20 Euro per hour invested). You would have to send as much information as possible together with the file(s) you want to be converted

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