144 MHz Sporadic-E QSO maps in Europe

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Year 2024

Map of August 7, 17:50-21:00 (maybe MS)

Map of August 6, 16:10-10:00

Map of August 6, 07:30-12:20

Map of August 3, 09:30-11:20

Map of August 2, 12:40-17:30

Map of July 19, 14:20-16:50

Map of July 18, 08:00-08:40

Map of July 12, 14:00-16:30

Map of July 8, 13:00-14:00

Map of July 1, 19:10-19:40

Map of July 1, 18:00-18:30

Map of June 30, 08:40-10:10

Map of June 29, 08:10-10:40

Map of June 28, 16:50-19:40

Map of June 28, 10:20-11:10

Map of June 28, 08:50-09:20

Map of June 28, 07:10-08:00

Map of June 27, 12:30-14:00

Map of June 24, 09:20-17:30

Map of June 23, 10:10-19:50

Map of June 23, 07:00-09:00

Map of June 21, 17:20-20:20

Map of June 20, 16:50-18:30

Map of June 20, 15:40-16:40

Map of June 17, 14:20-16:40

Map of June 16, 11:30-15:40

Map of June 14, 14:40-15:15

Map of June 13, 08:40-15:40

Map of June 11, 15:40-18:40

Map of June 11, 10:10-12:50

Map of June 5, 17:10-18:30

Map of June 4, 18:10-19:00

Map of June 4, 07:10-09:00

Map of June 4, 04:50-05:30

Map of June 3, 07:20-09:00

Map of June 3, 09:20-11:10

Map of June 3, 12:00-12:50

Map of June 3, 15:10-17:50

Map of June 2, 08:20-10:20

Map of June 2, 1420-19:30

Map of May 29, 09:00-10:40

Map of May 29, 11:20-12:00

Map of May 29, 14:10-17:00

Map of May 23, 18:10-18:50

Map of May 16, 11:20-12:15


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