Holger, ZL3IO, and his daughter Xenia, ZL4YL, were at ZL7DX's QTH for CQWW CW.
With his visitors gone, Chris now has the capability for all of HF and, he should be back on 6M in a couple days after having some feedline problems.
Chris is using an 18 meter top loaded vertical with elevated radials. On 80m it's a 15 meter vertical with an extensive ground level radial field.
For 40M, Chris has a 1/4-wavelength vertical which is roof mounted on the large shed. On tbe higher bands, there's a 6-band hexbeam at 10M which works pretty well from his location.
The 6M beam is a 7-element LFA at around 14M high. This antenna will also use it for 6M EME. There are multiple radios and a KPA500 amp.