Update December 11, 2024: TO9W will end operations at approximately 1600Z on Friday. We had to remove the 160m antenna, but we are still active on 6 through 80m with the exception of 60m. We worked many stations on 60m the last 2 days and that antenna will be retuned to 40m. We will not be operating SSB on 80 meters. Thanks for all the QSOs and the kind words!
Update December 7, 2024: The 72 foot (22 meter) 160 meter antenna is up! We still have a little work to do on it, but we worked a lot of USA stations in the 160m ARRL contest. I will post some photos soon. We are fully QRV from 6 through 160.
Update December 4, 2024: One of our radio/PC combinations is not working properly, so we have been using only one station. This has been very frustrating and has caused us to waste a lot of time troubleshooting. Our fourth operator arrived a few hours ago and will soon have 2 stations up and running. We are working to repair the broken station. All antennas except 160m are installed and working, including our receiving antenna.
Update December 3, 2024: Antennas now installed for 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 40, 80. Having issues with one of the radios. Additional operator and radios arrive on Tuesday.
Update November 30, 2024: "We arrived 10pm at the TO9W QTH. We found a restaurant still open and had some food and wine. Unpacked and will start Sunday AM setting up the stations and antennas."
Update November 30, 2024: "TO9W team still stuck in Chicago due to multiple airline delays. Hopefully will arrive very late Saturday night."
Update November 11, 2024: The team met to go over all plans for radios, antennas and computers. Some equipment has already been packed. Like most locations, local noise due to LED lighting has been increasing even in our hilltop location. We have a new multiband receiving antenna and receive multi-coupler so all radios can take advantage of it. The receive antenna will be located about 200 feet from the station. As planned, we will have 3 stations available for the 4 operators, plus a 4th station that will be dedicated to monitoring 6m in case of openings. Once we arrive, updates will be posted on our Facebook page along with photos. All questions, comments and schedule requests should be directed to TO9W2024@gmail.com. Three team members arrive late on November 30th and the 4th operator on December 3rd.
K9EL, K9NU, W9AP and W9MR will be QRV on 160-6m (CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8/FT4) as TO9W from St. Martin Island from November 30 to December 13, 2024.
The FT8 operations will be on DXpedition frequencies, if there are many callers. They will also operate on 60 meters as time permits. Equipment will consist of three Elecraft K3 transceivers with three Elecraft KPA500 amplifiers. Antennas include: 160m (60 foot top loaded Vertical), 40/80m (Quarter wave verticals), 30/20/17/15/12/10m (Dipoles), 6m (3 element Yagi) and Low Band Receive (BOG).
QSL via W9ILY, direct, by the Bureau, LoTW or ClubLog. During the expedition they plan to use ClubLog's Livestream feature so you can see what bands/modes they are on.
For more details, visit: https://www.k9el.com/TO9W/TO9W.htm