Update November 14, 2024: Now that the V55LA team is back home we are having a closer look at our statistics. No brainer, we just want to improve ourselves and learn from it.
The total number of QSO has been finalized at 35,808 QSO with 13,441 of them being unique callsigns (37,54%). We are very satisfied with this result and we hope that we gave to most you, if not an ATNO, some interesting band slots.
There are always things to improve and we are already working on it for our next Dxpedition. For example, we will next time have more in band options to run both CW and SSB at the same time during best band openings (or alternatively FT8 when conditions are difficult).
We are really proud to keep up on human modes, we don’t forget digit modes of course but have no focus on them as primary source of contacts.
Update November 10, 2024: V55LA is now officially off the air! All antennas have been disassembled just in time before heavy rain. We are still compiling the logs but we should end-up with roughly 35,000 QSOs from V5, not bad considering the ClubLog ranking. A big thank you to all of you who called us, it has been a blast! All the team had a lot of fun and we hope you enjoyed it too. We will come back with more stats soon and more pictures. It is time for the team to get ready for the long journey back home. See you from the next one
Update November 10, 2024: They will start to dismantle the antennas this morning (local). 160m and 80m antennas are being put down currently. They intend to slowly dismantle higher band antennas before forecast heavy rain hits the camp.
Update November 6, 2024: The team is well and delivers on all possible band available combinations. The conditions vary a lot, with 80m and 160m remaining a challenge with a somehow one direction propagation. On the RX side we have 3 beverage antennas with parts provided by Hamparts (one north, and two broadside to Asia and USA). They are very efficient but we have a lot of static crashes.
Higher bands are generally very good. Considering the DXCC most wanted ranking of V5 you give us quite nice runs, thank you! We will be once again focused on 160m today hoping for better opening from V5.
The team is happy with the full SunSDR2Dx setup by Expert Electronics. This is a very versatile little piece of equipment.
The weather forecast shows rain and thunder coming over us again, we will adapt. So far the power supply has be stable over the camp.
We have received some reports that documented QSOs are missing (like 12m SSB QSO on Nov 3rd). We are aware and for those we have seen they are on the PC but for some reason not on ClubLog. Don’t worry we will consolidate at the end. If you are stressed try to work us again.
Update November 3, 2024: The wifi router installed in the camp had been damaged by the thunder / lightning storm that we had yesterday and is now repaired. The ClubLog livestream works again too. Some computers have been disconnected from the network for a while so we will try to upload some missing QSOs (be patient or work us again). The 160m and 80m antennas did not like the storm either but they are now up and running. The team will be QRV when possible.
Update November 1, 2024: We finally arrived at the camp, what a journey! We had a bit of an issue with the trailer on the way but team is safe and tomorrow we will start assembling. Fitting the equipment in the van was a tetris like experience! Hopefully soon on the air!
Update October 30, 2024: V55LA team is currently at Oslo Airport on the way to checking in. First step of an exciting adventure together in Namibia.
Update August 24, 2024: Our team has been working tirelessly to prepare for this exciting adventure, and we’re pleased to share that the flight tickets are confirmed, our QTH in Namibia is secured, and some of us are updating our vaccinations to ensure a safe journey.
We’re also proud to unveil our brand-new V55LA logo, beautifully designed by our longtime friend, Miguel, EA5ZD. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to finalize our preparations.
* Departure: 30th October 2024
* Return: 11th November 2024
During this period, the V55LA team will be active on all HF bands (CW, SSB, Digi), with a particular focus on the low bands. Our team consists of experienced operators skilled in "human modes", so you can expect to hear plenty of activity on both CW and SSB throughout the expedition where it is needed for most of you.
Our goal is to make contact with as many operators as possible so Digi will be run too of course, and we’ll be doing our utmost to make this a memorable and enjoyable DXpedition for everyone.
* Rune - LA7THA (Leader)
* Gjermund - LB5GI
* Erwann - LB1QI
* Svein - LA3BO
* Morten - LB8DC
* Chris - LA8OM
* Philipp - OE7PGI
* Svein Jarle - LA9KKA
* Torvald - LB1FI
(Additional operators to be confirmed soon!)
Our dedicated V55LA webpage is live! We’ll be regularly updating it with new information as the DXpedition date approaches. Visit us here: https://www.ardxpeditions.com/dxpeditions/v55la
We are delighted to have Charles Wilmott (M0OXO) as our QSL Manager. QSL policy will be detailed soon.
If you’d like to support our efforts, donations are warmly welcomed!
Please send contributions to our PayPal address: donations@ardxpeditions.com
We can’t wait to embark on this journey and look forward to making contact with as many of you as possible!
Warm Regards, The V55LA Team (2024)
ARD is organizing a DXpedition to the beautiful country of Namibia! The DXpedition will run from the end of October through the first week of November.
We’re proud to share that we’ve been issued a license by CRAN, and our callsign for this DXpedition will be V55LA. With our QTH already secured, we’re now working on our antenna farm layout and exploring options to make the most of our ideal location.
We are also delighted to have Charles M0OXO on board once again as our QSL Manager, ensuring all your QSL needs are met with the highest level of professionalism.
Stay tuned for more details, and be sure to check our website (V55LA page updated soon) and follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.