E6AQ - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: E6AQ
November 7, 2024
Callsign(s) E6AQ   
Start-end dates October 22, 2024 - November 9, 2024
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DXCC   E6 - Niue     
IOTA   OC-040 - Niue Island     
CQ zone 32
WEB page http://niue.sp7dqr.pl/
Planned modes SSB
Planned bands 80 m, 40 m, 20 m, 15 m, 10 m
Source DX-World           Tags: Expedition, Contest, DXCC
Log search  http://sp7dqr.pl/en/oqrs.php


Update November 6, 2024: I am approaching the end of my activity, and slowly reaching five thousand QSOs. I gave up working on 80 meters, where the efficiency was catastrophic. At 40 meters, signals from Europe are almost unreadable. The ground is pure coral that is millions of years old. This is not an atoll-type island, now it resembles a volcanic one, but millions of years ago it was an atoll raised by tectonic movements. So there is no possibility of “connecting” electrically with the ground because you can’t even drive a nail in. In this situation, beverage, BOG, etc. antennas are excluded. On my vertical antenna, the QRN level fluctuates between S7 and S9. I am always active during my SS and SR. I have made several hundred QSOs, but the interference level of 40 meters is catastrophic. On other bands it is OK but signals are faint. Ten meters was great for two weeks, but now the openings are very short.

Update November 5, 2024: Less than a week to go. The conditions on the bands except for 10 meters are changing for the worse. It’s a bit better at 40m, but contacts with Europe on this band are extremely difficult (not to mention 80m). The 10m band is still great, although the opening to Europe (approx 0700Z) is short. I am very close to the ocean, but I can see it in the west. The signal in the north direction, where there are many potential correspondents, has to pass through half a kilometer of tropical forest.

Update November 3, 2024: Low band propagation is a disaster. But 10 meters is the sky’s limit, thousands of contacts logged. Surprisingly weak signals on 20 meters – as a teenager I only had 20m homemade rig and I considered it the best band in the world! 

Update October 30, 2024: Having set-up a delta-loop, Jacek is now up and running on 80m (SWR is good at 1:17), however at the moment even 40m is quite difficult to work EU “pistols”, so 80m may be a non-starter.

Update October 25, 2024: LoTW is approved and will be uploaded a few weeks after QRT.

Update October 19, 2024: QSL via SP7DQR direct to: Marek Niedzielski, P.O. Box 15, 25-648 Kielce 9, Poland. 

For direct requests please send a SAE with 5 USDs. Only valid IRCs will be accepted.  

On-line log with OQRS for E6AQ activity will be available on SP7DQR page                    

Please use 'Donation' instead of 'Payment' method using PayPal for direct requests (unless the donation is not possible from your country).

All cards received via the Bureau will be answered via the Bureau.

Logs will be uploaded into LoTW as soon as possible after Jacek returns home and the logs will be cross-checked for busted calls.

Update August 6, 2024: Website is available.

DX-World publishes that Jacek, SP5EAQ, is planning to be QRV from Niue as E6AQ (callsign pending) from October 22 to November 9, 2024. He mentions the QTH is on the western side of the island, right by the ocean. This will be an SSB operation only on 80-10m bands and he will participate in the CQWW SSB contest. More info later.

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