N5J - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: N5J
December 10, 2024
Callsign(s) N5J   
Start-end dates August 7, 2024 - August 20, 2024
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DXCC   KH5 - Palmyra & Jarvis Is.     
IOTA   OC-081 - Jarvis Island     
CQ zone 31
WEB page https://www.jarvisisland2024.com
Planned modes CW, SSB, Digital
Planned bands 160 m, 80 m, 60 m, 40 m, 30 m, 20 m, 17 m, 15 m, 12 m, 10 m, 6 m
Source DX-World & OPDX           Tags: Expedition, DXCC
Log search Clublog


Update December 10, 2024:  Don, N1DG, reports that the Dateline DX Association is pleased to announce they have uploaded the remaining log to LoTW on 9th December, 2024, meaning all contacts are now online. Cards have been delayed in Hungary, but they expect them to hit the mail at year end (there were over 6,000 envelopes to process). As of today over 50% of the 107,000 QSOs are confirmed on LoTW.

Update August 31, 2024: After a great operation as N5J from Jarvis Island, Don, N1DG, has written on August 30th, a great summury of his trip and the planning that went into
activating Jarvis Island. The large article includes pictures and videos. It is well worth a read at: https://jarvisisland2024.com/news/108-the-dxpedition-to-jarvis-island-n5j-2

Update August 20, 2024: More than 100,000 QSO in the log.  They will make QRT today at 2359z.

Update August 18, 2024:  Contrary to some rumours, there are no plans for N5J to QRT early before their permit and special call ends at 00:00 21 August UTC

Update August 16, 2024: N5J has been able to work EA & CT stations on 160m FT8 & CW last few days. Keep an eye on 1828.5 from 0445 to 0530z.

Update August 15, 2024: In response to the requests to run normal Fox Hound mode because some stations are having difficulty with the SuperFox mode, effective 00:00 UTC 16 August we will convert one of the two WSJT-X stations to the old Fox Hound method.

We ask all stations who already worked us in the digi band mode to let those people still needed a digital QSO to work us. Check Club Log if you are unsure.

We will still have another station in Superfox mode. We hope this allows more stations to make it into the log on digi or even an ATNO.

Update August 14, 2024: Over 900 QSOs on 160m so far. On 6m: Japan, Fiji, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Hawaii and Norfolk Island in the log.

Update August 13, 2024: Press Release 8/13/2024

N5J has completed 6 days of operating.

The log shows over 63,000 QSOs despite some really terrible conditions.

Are you still having trouble working the Superfox?

Many Hounds are still chasing us on Superfox using RC5. Psk reporter shows versions.  We looked today at the spots.  Of 7500 reports 1500 were still using RC5.
They are NOT in the log. Please update your software. Poor conditions also chop up the Fox signal. We will operate some F/H on one of the 2 FT8 stations this coming weekend.

The N5J team.

Update August 11, 2024: de AA7A here. I am the digi team lead on N5J and have been behind the piles for over 24 hours so far. Let me give everyone some background info.

We manage the PC clocks to balance the DT error between tx and rx . There is an annoying tx audio delay caused by DSP activities in SmartSDR. We check time error daily and make minor time adjustments at times to keep the SuperFox's contribution to timing errors to the minimum on both tc and rx intervals.

There is also an issue with TX offsets in the Flex. Again, we run daily tests with my home station used as truth in order to keep the Fox sync tone as close to 750 Hz on every band. With frequent band changes, it might be off for a short while while we re-adjust.
We are concerned about the completion rates. Using my home station as a quality control tool, it decodes Fox transmissions 100% for signals down to -16. It appears that we are not decoded by Hounds anwhere near as well as we can decode Hounds. My thoughts on why. Take your pick

1. Extremely quiet on Jarvis. We can hear better than Hounds by many dB.
2. We are running only 10 w at times to dodge interference to other Jarvis stations caused by salt spray corrosion on the multiband antennas. Hounds are running much more power. We are working procedures to deal with corrosion effects, but everyone needs to be patient while they get their magic moment. We will bee here another week or so.
3. Some Hounds are still using version RC5
4. We are getting reports of DQRM in EU.

We are hoping to get ahead of the corrosion business and try to get to full output power on the Fox transmitters. It will take time to sort thru all the variables.

73 and see you all on the screen.

Ned / AA7A

Update August 10, 2024: The N5J DXpedition is now underway on all bands and modes. We expect to be QRV until the 20th of August weather permitting. GL in the pileups. The N5J team.

Update August 8, 2024: Solar Flux is 336 but there is a X1.3 flare from the sun.  That could explain to some extend their weak signals in Europe.  Let's hope conditions will improve in the next days.

Update August 7, 2024: Don, N1DG, reports on FaceBook: Landed on Jarvis at 8 AM. 3 stations on the air in 5 hours, by sunset we had 6 stations ready to go. See you all in the log in the next 12 days.

Frequency List  (this may change based on other DXpeditions and QRM encountered)

Band CW SSB SuperFox
160m 1827.5 kHz - 1836 kHz
80m 3527 kHz 3760 kHz 3567 kHz
60m * - - 5357 kHz
40m 7027 kHz 7082 kHz 7056 kHz
30m 10103 kHz - 10131 kHz
20m 14027 kHz 14210 kHz 14091 kHz
17m 18079 kHz 18130 kHz 18095 kHz
15m 21027 kHz 21285 kHz 21091 kHz
12m 24897 kHz 24932 kHz 24911 kHz
10m 28027 kHz 28485 kHz 28091 kHz
6m 50105 kHz - 50310 kHz

 *  Normal FT8 on 1500 Freq.

Update August 7, 2024: Both the IOTA and POTA programs have agreed to recognize QSOs made by the local operators but will not allow QSOs made by internet remote operators to count. Therefore, QSOs made by AA7JV, HA7RY, N1DG, KO8SCA and KN4EEI will count for the awards. Daily uploads by the N5J team to clublog will identify the operators. Additionally at the beginning of each operator shift the team will endeavor to post on the cluster the callsign of the operator so chasers have some real time notice. At this time all phone operations are expected to be by the at Island team as well giving that mode 100% IOTA/POTA certaintly.  In addition to the five operators mentioned above, there is an experienced team of 24 operators from 8 countries operating up to 6 stations around the clock ensuring DXers around the globe have ample opportunity to add an ATNO or band fill to their DXCC totals.

 73, Rick - K 6 V V A * The Locust
IOTA Marathon DIAMOND Activator

Update August 6, 2024: The N5J DXpedition is planning to go QRV on Aug 7 (maybe 8th on 160 if there are WX issues).

While Aug is not the best time to work KH5 on TB, this is the only time we got. To make it easier to work us, here are some key points:
We will have only one station capable of 160 m (what we call Local 1).
The time of the year and the cycle favor the high bands and there will be demand for Local 1 on other bands. Therefore the station will be on 160 only during certain times of the night: At our SS from 0600 to 0645 Z, for NA SR from 0800 to 1000 and if conditions warrant, at our SR for a possible East. EU opening at 1600. (Otherwise 80 m.) After 1000 we will stay on 160 if traffic warrants, otherwise we will QSY to 80. These times will likely change as we gain experience with the conditions.

Note for NA stations: Don't wait for your SR. From about 1000 JA stations will start coming in with possibly strong signals. You will have a better chance before 1000 and that is why we will start early at 0800.
Most of you know this, but...: When you hear your correct callsign and 5NN, just reply with 5NN. Don't send your call because it will create uncertainty. Also, when calling, it is better to send you call twice, especially if conditions are poor and the pile-up is dense. Also, we are likely to have a lot of TS noise (you too, probably).
There is more information on our web-site

GL and CU on TB!
George, N5J/AA7JV
PS: We will stay on 160 past 0645 if we have a continuous stream of EU callers :-) 

Update August 4, 2024: The Magnet, with the N5J team and three USFWS scientists on board, got under way at 0500 AM from American Samoa for  Jarvis island. The time required to cover the distance of 1050 Nautical Miles (1940 km) depends on the boat-speed that we are able to maintian. Currently we are cruising at 15 knots (27 kmph) in light winds and moderate seas (waves of 3 to 5 feet). According to the forecast this favorable weather should continue for the next three days. Although we are likely to encounter some opposing currents, we expect to arrive at Jarvis the morning of August 6. If for some reason we need to slow down, we will time our arrival for the morning of the 7th.
AA7JV/N5J Team.

Update July 30, 2024: All equipment has now been washed and sprayed with bug spray ahead of USFWS inspection later this week. 

Update May 9, 2024:  Dear Fellow DXers,

In March the Dateline DX Association was pleased to announce that it has received permission from the USFWS for a DXpedition to Jarvis Island National Wildlife Reserve this August. Jarvis is ranked nr. 18 on Clublog's global most wanted list. It is number 9 in Europe.  In some EU countries Jarvis is ranked as high as second most wanted on phone and digial.  Jarvis is ranked higher than Bouvet (16) in Europe. It is 450 miles from Palmyra Atoll and 1500 miles from Hawaii.

Because it’s been over 34 years since last activated it is one of the highest ranked IOTA and POTA targets among the hams who chase those awards.   We were pleased that both program administrators have altered their rules to allow for their awards to be credited by working one of the 5 operators who are remoting from the ship just offshore (and still in the reserve).

An experienced team of five consisting of George, AA7JV, Don, N1DG, Tomi, HA7RY, Adrian, KO8SCA, and Mike, KN4EEI, will install 6 RIB stations on Jarvis.  The at-island team will be augmented by 24 remote operators from Asia, Europe and North America.  All phone, 160 and 6 mtr operations will be done locally.   The local ops will also operate CW and FT8 on all bands.  The remote operators will operate on 80 to 10 meters using CW and FT8 modes. We are permitted 12 days of operation but the permit is good for the whole month of August to allow for weather issues.

The core of the Dateline DX Association is the team of operators from the highly successful Baker Island 2018 and Midway 2009 DXpeditions.  Both DXpeditions received the coveted DXpedition of the year awards at Dayton.  We have broad experience working from the Pacific and remote and environmentally sensitive areas around the world.  It was this experience that earned Dateline the first permission to activate Jarvis since 1990.  This will be the third ever operation from Jarvis.

Any DXpedition to a protected area is expensive and our externally financial need is over $200,000. We have a boat, approved by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to safely carry us to and from the Reserve and not cause any harm to Jarvis Island or the surrounding reefs.   The budget would easily have been over $500,000 had it not been for the use of AA7JV’s vessel, the Magnet.  The $200,000 is required for fuel, USFWS permit fees, extra crew for the trip and data services and equipment.   Radios are not included in the budget as NCDXF contributed to the design and building of the RIBs.

NCDXF has also kickstarted our fundraising campaign with a hefty grant of $75,000.

Please understand the dates for our DXpedition were not our first choice. Rather, the exact dates of our DXpedition were specified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  While top band opportunities are limited by the early August dates, 10 and 6 meters should offer ample opportunities to pick up new band counters.   Europeans (where Jarvis is number 9) should benefit greatly for ATNO QSOs during the peak months of cycle 25.

There will be extensive science being conducted on Jarvis by 3 biologists from the USFWS.  We will be providing free transportation and food for their team. 

You can follow our plans on our web site at: http://jarvisisland2024.com, and on Facebook. 

We are counting on help from DXers and DX organizations from around the world to help cover our costs.  Jarvis has not been activated for 34 years and we anticipate by demonstrating our RIB concept to the USFWS biologists accompanying us to Jarvis we can open the doors to other islands off limits to the ham community.

Please consider making a donation to the Dateline DX Association to help bring Jarvis Island on the air.   Donations can be made either through our paypal donate@jarvisisland2024.com or direct to our bank:

Checks made out to the Dateline DX Association should be sent to:

Dateline DX Association
PO BOX 1397
Duxbury, MA 02331-1397

We wish to thank you in advance for your support.
Don Greenbaum, N1DG and George Wallner, AA7JV
Jarvis Island 2024 and The Dateline DX Association

Update April 22, 2024:  Press Release nr. 4

IOTA OC-081 and POTA K-0115 Release

Since the Dateline DX Association announced plans for activating Jarvis Island this summer many have asked if we could arrange with IOTA and POTA program organizers to secure approval of our DXpedition.

 Jarvis is one of the rarest of the IOTA counters, having been off the air for 34 years.  It is needed by 82% of IOTA program participants.

Because of the requirements set by the permit of the USFWS, while the stations and antennas and power are all set up on Jarvis Island, the local operators must conduct the DXpedition from the MV Magnet which will still be in the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge just offshore.

Both the IOTA and POTA programs have agreed to recognize QSOs made by the local operators but will not allow QSOs made by internet remote operators to count.   Therefore QSOs made by AA7JV, HA7RY, N1DG, KO8SCA and KN4EEI will count for the awards.   Daily uploads by the N5J team to clublog will identify the operators.   Additionally at the beginning of each operator shift the team will endeavor to post on the cluster the callsign of the operator so chasers have some real time notice.   At this time all phone operations are expected to be by the at Island team as well giving that mode 100% IOTA/POTA certaintly.

In addition to the five operators mentioned above, there is an experienced team of 24 operators from 8 countries operating up to 6 stations around the clock ensuring DXers around the globe have ample opportunity to add an ATNO or band fill to their DXCC totals.

This is an expensive DXpedition to one of the rarest entities that DXers will see in 2024.  Please visit our website, www.jarvisisland2024.com and make a donation to help us put this one on the air.
Don, N1DG and George AA7JV for the N5J team. 

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