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Stations in LO20RC

CallsignLocatorUpdateDeleteQSOCallbookGoogleMapLast update
ALEXYELO20RC            2018-11-05
R4AEMLO20RC            2021-01-17
RA4ALO20RC            2024-06-28
RA4ACOLO20RC            1998-01-01
RA4AJKLO20RC            2007-08-16
RA4ALULO20RC            2014-11-14
RA4AZLO20RC            2011-06-08
RA4BLO20RC            2020-03-26
RW4AHLO20RC            2011-01-03
RW4AKLO20RC            1998-01-01
RW4ARLO20RC            2011-02-12
UA4AFYLO20RC            2019-03-10
UA4AGELO20RC            2018-03-31
UA4AHTLO20RC            2016-05-27
UA4ANULO20RC            2011-03-16
UA4ANWLO20RC            2011-06-24
UA4AONLO20RC            2010-11-03
UA4APZLO20RC            2017-06-30
UA4AQDLO20RC            2015-10-14
UA4ATFLO20RC            2010-11-10
UA4AVSLO20RC            2013-12-08
UA4BRLO20RC            2012-08-21

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