Z81S - DX news and calendar
DX news and calendar: Z81S
April 27, 2021
Callsign(s) Z81S   
Start-end dates Unknown
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DXCC   ST0 - South Sudan     
CQ zone 34
Planned modes SSB
Planned bands 20 m, 15 m
Source 425DXN & DX-World           Tags: Information, DXCC


Update April, 27: Sigfrido IW9FMD is again active from South Sudan as Z81S. Activity has been on 15 & 20m SSB so far when time permits. 

Update November 2, 2020: Sigfrido IW9FMD is again active from South Sudan as Z81S. He is there as part of UNMISS (United Nations Mission in South Sudan).

Activity has been on 15 & 20m SSB so far when time permits. QSL via IT9YVO.

Sigfrido, IW9FMD (ex 5H0RS, T6AB, 7Q7RS)  is a member of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan,  and has been in  the country for a couple of months now. Length of stay unknown.  He is QRV as Z81S on  20m SSB, typically around 16.30-17.30 UTC.

QSL direct to IT9YVO.


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